Powershell ISE Profile

By | July 18, 2020

The script for this post is available at https://github.com/jmattmacd/Microsoft365-Management-PowerShell-Profile

I use Powershell ISE for everything, even running single lines. I have my environment set up with a profile which checks the module installation and update version on every load.

It does however enforce a new mfa session for every connect- verb

When I start my powershell ISE environment I see this:

Running Profile...
Checking for Modules...
Az (Azure) Module found - Version 4.2.0
AzureAD Module found - Version
MSOL Module found - Version
Exchange V2 Module found - Version 1.0.1
Teams Module found - Version 1.0.24
SkypeOnlineConnector Module not found.
Some Teams functionality is still controlled via the skype module
It is old and shit so needs to be installed from:
Then imported with:Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector
To Update all Modules run Update-AllModules
EXO V2 uses Connect-ExchangeOnline and the Get-EXO styleprefix
Use-EXO will connect to exchange with user context allowing token refresh
PS C:\Users\matt>

This just checks the installed version, if its run on a machine without the module installed it prompts to install it, auto-escalating a powershell script to do so.

I find it hugely useful, in order to use it you can just open Powershell ISE and run “notepad $profile” to open your current profile in notepad then copy the contents below in and save it. restart PowershellISE and it will run that script at every log in.

It makes start up a little slower but massively speeds up everything else as you know the module and versions installed and can get the others very quickly.

Because I needed some cmdlets in the newer teams modules it also includes instructions to register the PoshTestGallery as a package source

#teams new module is on posh 
#Register-PackageSource -Name PoshTestGallery -Location https://www.poshtestgallery.com/api/v2/ -ProviderName PowerShellGet
#Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 1.0.24

Function ModulesCheck {
    Write-Host "Checking for Modules..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $Modules = get-installedmodule
    $ImportedModules = get-module

    If ($Modules.Name.Contains("Az")) {
        $Index = $Modules.Name.IndexOf("Az")
        Write-Host "Az (Azure) Module found - Version"$Modules.Version[$index] -ForegroundColor Cyan
    If (!$Modules.Name.Contains("Az")) {
        Write-Host "Az (Azure) Module not found, if required Install with" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Add-Module `"Az`""
    If ($Modules.Name.Contains("AzureAD")) {
        $Index = $Modules.Name.IndexOf("AzureAD")
        Write-Host "AzureAD Module found - Version"$Modules.Version[$index] -ForegroundColor Cyan
    If (!$Modules.Name.Contains("AzureAD")) {
        Write-Host "AzureAD Module not found, if required Install with:" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Add-Module `"AzureAD`""
        If ($Modules.Name.Contains("AzureADPreview")) {
            $Index = $Modules.Name.IndexOf("AzureADPreview")
            Write-Host "AzureAD PREVIEW Module found - Version"$Modules.Version[$index] -ForegroundColor Cyan

    If ($Modules.Name.Contains("MSOnline")) {
        $Index = $Modules.Name.IndexOf("MSOnline")
        Write-Host "MSOL Module found - Version"$Modules.Version[$index] -ForegroundColor Cyan
    If (!$Modules.Name.Contains("MSOnline")) {
        Write-Host "MSOL Module not found, if required Install with:" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Add-Module `"MSOnline`""
    #Exchange V2
    If ($Modules.Name.Contains("ExchangeOnlineManagement")) {
        $Index = $Modules.Name.IndexOf("ExchangeOnlineManagement")
        Write-Host "Exchange V2 Module found - Version"$Modules.Version[$index] -ForegroundColor Cyan
    If (!$Modules.Name.Contains("ExchangeOnlineManagement")) {
        Write-Host "Exchange V2 Module not found, if required Install with:" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Add-Module `"ExchangeOnlineManagement`""
    If ($Modules.Name.Contains("MicrosoftTeams")) {
        $Index = $Modules.Name.IndexOf("MicrosoftTeams")
        Write-Host "Teams Module found - Version"$Modules.Version[$index] -ForegroundColor Cyan
    If (!$Modules.Name.Contains("MicrosoftTeams")) {
        Write-Host "Teams Module not found, if required Install with:" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Add-Module `"MicrosoftTeams`""
    If ($ImportedModules.Name.Contains("SkypeOnlineConnector")) {
        $Index = $ImportedModules.Name.IndexOf("SkypeOnlineConnector")
        Write-Host "Skype Module found - Version"$ImportedModules.Version[$index] -ForegroundColor Cyan
    If (!$ImportedModules.Name.Contains("SkypeOnlineConnector")) {
        Write-Host "SkypeOnlineConnector Module not found." -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Some Teams functionality is still controlled via the skype module" -ForegroundColor Gray
        Write-Host "It is old and shit so needs to be installed from:" -ForegroundColor Gray
        Write-Host "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39366" -ForegroundColor White
        Write-Host "Then imported with:" -ForegroundColor Gray -NoNewline
        Write-Host "Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector" -foregroundcolor White
    Write-Host "----------------------" -ForegroundColor Cyan


Function Update-AllModules {
    write-host "Requires Admin - escalating session" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    powershell -Command "Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList '-Command Get-InstalledModule | Update-Module' -Verb RunAs"
    write-host "Restart Powershell environment when done. This can take a while"

Function Add-Module($modulename) {
    write-host "Trying Install for" $modulename
    write-host "Requires Admin - escalating session" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    powershell -Command "Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList '-Command Install-Module $modulename' -Verb RunAs -Wait"

Function ProfileNotes {
    Write-Host "Notes" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "To Update all Modules run " -ForegroundColor gray -NoNewline
    write-host "Update-AllModules" -foregroundcolor Magenta
    Write-Host "EXO V2 uses Connect-ExchangeOnline and the Get-EXO styleprefix" -ForegroundColor Gray
    Write-Host "----------------------" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Write-Host "Running Profile..." -foregroundcolor Yellow
Write-Host "----------------------" -ForegroundColor Cyan



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